Come on YouTube I’m just trying to watch a Rubik’s cube video. advertising on Nostr will be better than this when it arrives one day.…
pencil Got a gift card for Christmas and purchased a Rotring 600 .7mm pencil (in red so it is less likely to get lost) and some 4B lead! Can’t wait
asknostr Bought some bone broth, since I’ve heard so much good stuff about it on here. What are some super-easy, delicious things I can make using bone broth? #asknostr…
hotwheels To add to the collection: a 1972 Lotus Europa Special. A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away… vehicles came in other colors than white, gray and black.
hotwheels This year Santa’s arriving in style in the Morgan Plus Four. #hotwheels #plebchain #coffee…
Ahhh yes, it’s that time of year. Time for giving out Bitcoin.…
xavierscraftworkanddesign Hey frens , @Rustypuppy has purchased a FREE Xavier’s Craftwork & Design t-shirt for someone! Keep in mind the shipping is covered by me, so it’s 100% free